Training and Consultancy FAQ

What do the online courses involve?

The online courses consist of video content and handouts, including a summary poster and reflective journal. 


The courses have been designed so you can purchase them and watch them as many times as you would like, and so that more than one team member can watch them. This means you can use them for whole setting training and play them to everyone, or you can give team members the login details for them to watch the training individually.


Please note that a certificate can be provided at the end of the course but the online system only has capacity for one certificate. If you would like a PDF of a blank certificate so you can print and add your team members names in, please email me and I will happily send it over to you.

Can I book a shorter session over Zoom to fit into a team/staff meeting?

Shorter sessions can be arranged, for example to fit into a staff meeting. Please contact me with your requirements in terms of content.

What do you provide during a consultancy visit?

I offer a friendly, warm and constructive approach to consultancy that provides you with honesty, respectful dialogue and practical support.

Some of the areas I can support with include:

  • An audit of the environment to help make adaptations to support children’s well-being
  • Observations of practice with feedback
  • Guidance on resources to support well-being and emotion coaching
  • Support with writing policies on behaviour, well-being and emotional literacy and intelligence
  • Support for managers, deputies and SENCos with training needs
Do you offer face to face training?

Yes! I provide both half and full day training sessions for early years settings, schools and local authorities.

Please visit the training section of the website for more information on the face to face training I provide. Training sessions are inspiring, thought-provoking and involve plenty of discussion and practical tips. I can also provide bespoke sessions, please contact me for more information. 

Is the training suitable if we are supporting neurodivergent children?

Yes, my training is neuroaffirming and inclusive. I have personal and professional experience of neurodivergent children and adults, and ensure that all training and support focuses on belonging, reducing anxiety and stress, and meeting children’s individual needs. 

Parent 1-1 FAQ

How many sessions will I need?

Every parent and family situation is different so it is tricky to say exactly how many sessions will be needed. Some parents choose to have one session and this is enough for them to make the changes they want to. Others feel they would benefit from a little more support and have regular sessions over a period of several months. As a guide, if you plan for 3-6 sessions, this is usually enough to enable us to make progress towards your goals and find solutions to any challenges you may be experiencing.

Isn’t parenting a natural thing? Shouldn’t my instincts be enough? I feel like I shouldn’t need help!

Firstly, it is always ok to need – and ask for – help! Parenting definitely doesn’t always come easily to everyone, and even when it does, that doesn’t mean there aren’t challenges that come up. There is a saying that it takes a village to raise a child. Today, the village around each of us has got considerably smaller, so many parents choose to reach out for a little extra support. Many parents also find it helpful to talk to someone who isn’t in their immediate family or friendship circle. Our aim is to help you listen to your own instincts, share any information that may be helpful, and support you in finding solutions to challenges.

Do you advocate one particular parenting approach/style?

I want to work with you in the way that is right for your family, and sometimes that means looking at different approaches and ways of doing things. I won’t ever suggest or endorse strategies that could be harmful to a child’s well-being, regardless of whether they are currently popular or advocated for by others.

My work draws on the many professional influences and inspiring training opportunities I have been lucky enough to access over the last 20+ years. I continue to learn and research so that my knowledge is as up to date as possible.


Is your support suitable for my neurodivergent child?

Yes, all aspects of my work are neuroaffirming and inclusive. I have personal and professional experience of neurodivergent children and adults, and ensure that the support I offer focuses on belonging, reducing anxiety and stress, and meeting children’s individual needs. 

If you have any other questions or want to enquire about making a booking, please fill out the form below

    I accept the Terms & Conditions.
